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Breaking up is easy to do.

Switch to energy you’ll love. Natural gas.

Say goodbye to that tank that always needs filling. Move on from the ups and downs of oil prices. Natural gas is so much easier to live with! You’re always connected to energy that’s reliable and consistently more affordable. Plus natural gas can do so much for your home – from heating that’s more efficient to cooking and barbecuing. When you’re ready to break up with oil, we’re here to help.

Here are just a few reasons why you should switch:


You only pay for the natural gas you use, as it’s always available when you need it (no scheduling deliveries)


Natural gas has historically cost less than electricity, heating oil or propane in Nova Scotia.


Use less fuel with natural gas appliances that are up to 98% efficient.


Keep your family safe — natural gas continues to be one of the world’s safest and reliable energy choices.

Find out if natural gas is available to your home, and how much you could save!


Natural gas is available in your area!

Answer these 2 short questions to see how much you can potentially save on your energy costs, and how energy efficient you can be.


How do you heat your home?


How do you heat your water?


Look how much you could save with natural gas!

Energy Cost Savings:
Carbon Emission Reduction:

Compare natural gas to your current energy:

If your home is heated primarily by electricity, switching to natural gas for space heating may not be the best option.

However, you can save money and enjoy more convenience when you use natural gas for your water heater, fireplace and barbecue.

Natural gas is not yet available in your area.

The current level of interest in your area has not yet reached the threshold to pass our economic feasibility test requirements, and we are not anticipating expansion in your area at this time. If you will be replacing your heating system soon, we recommend exploring the options below.

For more information about propane equipment, please contact SuperLine Fuels. To explore heat pump options for your home, visit Efficiency Nova Scotia.

(a) $0.65* 3,449.6 L/ Propane = Propane price
(b) $.16kWh* 10,518 = Electricity Price

Fuel Type Unit of Fuel
(BTU’s per unit)
Cost Per Unit before HST Additional Costs
(not in estimate above)
Other Considerations
Natural Gas 947,817 BTU / Gigajoule $20.32 Annual base cost of $262.44 Cost per unit includes 5% municipal tax
Oil 36,500 BTU / Litre $0.94 Fuel tank n/a
Propane 24,300 BTU / Litre $0.85 Fuel tank n/a

* Based on annual replacement cost of $2,500 every 10 years.
** Does not include chimney upgrades for oil systems or regular maintenance for all systems.
*** Tank replacement cost over lifetime of equipment for oil and propane / Fixed Monthly Customer Charge for natural gas.

Get to know Natural Gas.

See Where The Savings Are

There are many ways to save when you switch from oil to natural gas – from lower annual energy costs to lower home insurance rates. Is it worth saying goodbye to that old oil furnace? You be the judge.

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Meet Homeowners Who Switched

96% of our customers say they’re happy they chose natural gas. Is it because of the energy savings? Not having an oil tank to worry about? See what customers are enjoying most.

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Compare Energy Costs

See how natural gas compares to oil, propane and electricity. From upfront equipment to annual energy costs and maintenance, we’ve broken it down for you so you can see the difference.

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Ready to take the next step? Connect to natural gas.

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