Author: admin

Cost Savings for Residential Customers

Heritage Gas is pleased to report that the cost of gas for Rate Class 1 customers has decreased by 13%. The Gas Cost Recovery Rate (GCRR) for rate class 1 is set biannually on February 1st and August 1st.

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What is a GJ?

The energy content in natural gas is typically measured in Gigajoules (GJ), a metric energy measure. All types of energy can be measured by either energy content or by volume. Energy content is the most accurate because it measures how much heat energy is provided by a given volume of energy.

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Turning our waste into renewable energy

As a province that relies on a mix of high-emitting energy sources, including coal and oil, to keep us warm, we need to think outside the box for ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint. One of the ways we can achieve this is by producing Renewable Natural Gas.

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